Le Travail Humain 2003/3 Vol. 66, 2003/3 - pagesPages 193 to 196Emotions, Cognitions, and Performances: Investigating in Ergonomic PsychologyBy Vincent Grosjean, Éric Raufaste, A. GiboinPages 197 to 224Driving Errors and Aid Needs: An Accidentological Approach in ErgonomicsBy Pierre Van ElslandePages 225 to 252The Effects of Personified Interface on Task Involvement and Quality of the Interaction: The Paradox of the Social Interaction ContextBy Michel Dubois, Federico TajariolPages 253 to 282Simulation and Assimilating Technical Documents: Crane Operator TrainingBy Jean-Michel BoucheixPages 283 to 304Ergonomic Contribution to the Docking of Road Transport TrucksBy Florence Hella, J.-F. Schouller, D. Clément