Le Travail Humain 2009/3 Vol. 72, 2009/3 - pagesPages 209 to 228Examination of the Effects of Job Decision Latitude, Emotional Exhaustion, and Job Satisfaction on Absenteeism in Nursing UnitsBy Christian Vandenberghe, Sabine Stordeur, William d’HoorePages 229 to 244Professional Plans of Job Seekers Compared to the EmployedBy Alain Somat, Cyril Tarquinio, D. DufreinePages 245 to 266Effect of Visual-Motor decorrelation on Pointing MovementBy Rogelio Alonso, Patrice Terrier, Robert Parise, Jean-Marie CellierPages 267 to 292Analysis of Strategies for Correcting Defects in Plastics Processes, Using a Problem-solving Model, Based on ConstraintsBy Jean-François Richard, Pierre Pastré, Pierre Parage, Emmanuel Sander, Michel Futtersack, Jean-Marc Labat