Le Travail Humain 2010/4 Vol. 73, 2010/4 - pagesPages 293 to 297Health Management Activities : An Ideal Setting for Cognition Research in its Natural FrameworkBy Françoise Anceaux, Christine ChauvinPages 299 to 318Error and Risk Management in Emergency Medical CareBy A. Van Daele, Linda Ait AmeurPages 319 to 337Evaluating and Managing Risks: Strategies Set-up by AnesthetistsBy V. Neyns, O. Carreras, Jean-Marie CellierPages 339 to 359"Ward Rounds" in Intensive Care Units: Representations and Information GatheringBy Fabienne Terraneo, Laurence Seferdjeli, Marc DibyPages 361 to 383Methodological Proposal for the Analysis of Cooperation in Distributed Action PlanningBy Sylvia Pelayo, Anthony Loiselet, Marie Catherine Beuscart-Zéphir, Janine Rogalski, Françoise AnceauxPages 385 to 404Contributions of a Factual Representation of Collaborative Medical Work: The Example of Epidemiological Monitoring for Early DiagnosisBy L. Pellegrin, Charlotte Gaudin, Nathalie Bonnardel, Hervé Chaudet