Burnout and Emotional Dissonance in Care Activity in Call Center

By Lionel Dagot, Oriane Perié

"This article discusses the relationship between emotional dissonance and burnout in the context of a comparison of two populations of employees working in a call center. The literature indicates that emotional dissonance is a factor in burnout. We sought to extend earlier research by investigating the role played by the nature of the work activity in burnout. The targeted population for this study were individuals working in a call center and engaged in care activities, two characteristics that are often associated with emotional dissonance and burnout. To the best of our knowledge, the simultaneous effects of these two factors on burnout have never been studied before. The study had two specific objectives. The first was to compare burnout and emotional dissonance between two groups of employees in the call center, using criteria related to stress. In the first groups, subjects were in charge of technical and commercial issues. In the second group, subjects were specialized in issues related to care (elderly hotline, medical emergency, repatriation, ...). The two groups of people workee in the same company, with the same mode of organization; only the nature of their activity distinguished them. The second objective was to investigate the role of emotional dissonance in the development of burnout. The results clearly indicate a higher exposure to burnout and emotional dissonance among employees specializing in the care call center, compared to employees in non-care positions. Another result relates to the moderating role of emotional dissonance on the score of depersonalization. This result indicates that, in situations involving high levels of decision freedom and dissonance, the score of depersonalization is very high. We suggest considering depersonalization as a protection strategy, which aims at going off the emotional demands experienced by employees care. This study opens up exciting opportunities, including potential links between coping strategies and emotional dissonance."


  • burnout
  • call center
  • care
  • emotional dissonance