Varia Vol. 83, 2020/3 - pagesPages 179 à 200Compassion envers soi au travail : exploration de l’effet médiateur du sentiment de sécurité socialePar Frédéric Pinard, Francesco Montani, François Courcy, Véronique Dagenais-DesmaraisPages 201 à 233From allocation to restoration of resources: exploring how a foreman manages work flexibilityPar Christophe MunduteguyPages 235 à 267Constructive deviance and proactive behaviors: two distinct approaches to change and innovation in the workplacePar Guillaume Roland Michel Déprez, Adalgisa Battistelli, Jean-Sébastien Boudrias, Nicola CangialosiPages 269 à 284Relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational affective and normative commitment: the role of perceived organizational and supervisory supportPar Sabine Pohl, Françoise Bertrand, Roland Pepermans